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25 Worst Passwords of 2013 Revealed

25 Worst Passwords of 2013 Revealed


    Although it's still pretty much high up on the list, the word, "password," is no longer the worst password.

    SplashData, a firm which makes password management applications, based this year's list of the worst passwords on files containing millions of stolen passwords.

They've come up with the Top 25 Worst Passwords for 2013 (See below):

  • 1. 123456
    2. password
    3. 12345678
    4. qwerty
    5. abc123
    6. 123456789
    7. 111111
    8. 1234567
    9. iloveyou
    10. adobe123
    11. 123123
    12. admin
    13. 1234567890
    14. letmein
    15. photoshop
    16. 1234
    17. monkey
    18. shadow
    19. sunshine
    20. 12345
    21. password1
    22. princess
    23. azerty
    24. trustno1
    25. 000000

    To make passwords more secure, SplashData suggests the following moves so to help you come up with more secure ones:

    1. The password should have eight characters or more.
    2. It should be a mix of letters & numbers.
    3. It should be a random words strung together instead of common phrases.
ORIGINAL POST: click here

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How a Detox Really Affects Your Body

How a Detox Really Affects Your Body

By Laura Beil, Women's Health


Stripped of essential nutrients, detox diets can be downright dangerous

Thinking of signing up for a fruit juice cleanse? You might first consider how your body reacts to a week with no protein or fat and fewer than 1,000 calories a day.

After the first sip
Your brain's hunger signals are answered with a dump of pure fruit-juice sugar. And don't get any ideas--veggie-based body cleanses aren't any healthier.

The sweet stuff prompts the pancreas to squirt out insulin, which moves sugar--now in your blood in the form of glucose--into your cells.

After 30 minutes
As your cells suck up the glucose, your blood sugar level can start to plummet and you may feel dizzy.

Meanwhile, lacking enough calories, your body is operating off its supply of glycogen, a form of short-term energy stored in the liver and muscles. (Shedding pounds doesn't have to be about deprivation!

After two days

With each shot of juice, your insulin levels skyrocket, then crash. Your glycogen stores are pretty much gone, leaving your tank on empty--and you feeling weak and listless.

Since you're getting only about half the calories you need, your body draws on two long-term power sources: triglycerides, a type of energy stored in fat cells (woo-hoo!), and protein, taken straight from your muscles (oops). You begin to lose muscle mass, even if you're still exercising every day.
After three days
Your brain is not happy. It enters into semi-starvation mode and gobbles ketones, fuel that comes from the breakdown of fat. Ketones work, but they're like low-grade gasoline; as a result, you may feel unfocused or irritable. (Any "mental clarity" is likely due to a strong placebo effect.)

Sans a fresh protein infusion, your brain is also lacking amino acids, the raw materials that neurotransmitters need to maintain your mood. If you're prone to depression, you may start feeling blue.
The proteins in your shrinking muscles break down into ammonia and uric acid, unwelcome chemicals that invade your bloodstream. Now your kidneys are busy detoxing your detox.

Stay near the bathroom: The juice's high carbohydrate load causes a surfeit of water to enter the intestines. That extra H2O in your gut means you're apt to get diarrhea.

After four days
With no food to digest, your small intestine feels ignored. Its villi--the rows of tiny fibers that move food elements into the blood-start to atrophy. Your diarrhea may get worse, leading to dehydration... and there goes your rosy glow.

On the eighth day
Solid food! But uh-oh--you've lost muscle. Even if you go back to your regular eating habits, you now have less muscle mass to burn those calories; instead, the calories are more likely to be turned into fat. (Hence, one reason yo-yo dieting makes it harder to lose weight: Your reduced muscle-to-fat ratio messes up your metabolism and makes calories much harder to work off.)
ORIGINAL POST: click here
Sources: Eric Ravussin, Ph.D., Nutrition Obesity Research Center, Pennington Biomedical Research Center; Timothy D. Brewerton, M.D., Medical University of South Carolina; Leslie P. Schilling, R.D., Schilling Nutrition Therapy; Lona Sandon, R.D., and Jo Ann S. Carson, Ph.D., R.D., University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

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Asian with Blue Eyes

Last day while surfing the net I saw an article about Asian having a light eye color. (gray, green, and blue) It sounds awkward right? But yes it is possible all eyes colors except the brown are genetic abnormality because the normal color of our eyes is brown, (you will ask but there is a black) no, even it appears black that is brown, (dark brown) the color of the eyes depends on the melanin production means the more melanin that being produce the darker color you will have, the lesser melanin that being produce the lighter color you will have. There's two another reasons why black or Asian people having a light color of the eye. First maybe they have a westernized way our ancestor or predecessors prolli married a white western or someone and it got mixed in your gene pool. Second is Disease which ALBINISM - is a congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes due to absence or defect of an enzyme involved in the production of melanin. (from wiki.) So every race can have a light color of eye. But most of the time eye color is changing when we grow old. When you have have a blue eye when you are still young it is not permanent yet until you rich 7 years old, when your eyes is fully develop. There is a big chance to become darker or turn into light brown in worse cases.  Here's some people has a light color of the eye:


   I think this girl is Mongolian
pure breed malays with blue eyes, genetic mutation

Next post: Change Eye Color Permanently PROS and CONS
source of pictures:http://www.asiafinest.com 

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Plastic Surgery Fascination (repost)

Hello I am here again to blog about my fascination in plastic surgery. I know that I am not a handsome guy that is why for a very long time I always wanted to undergo to a so called plastic sugery but unfortunately I am not financialy capable to do this and most especially I have a pre-existing condition. The reason why I want plastic surgery is I have an assymetric facial bone structure in cheeck and jaw and in my eye shape also. I dont want to be hypocrit to say Im not insecure to others with good face I mean Im just a human being to feel this emotion, just respect my thoughts about plastic surgery coz I know that this is the only option to all my imperfection. Yeah! I do felt insecure also to those people who dont feel INSECURE towards other they love for what they are, and they dont care about other might says about them. I wish I am like that also! Grrr!!!

 This is me after photoshop. I don't have the original pictures as I'm sick seeing it.

What I want to fix to myself are:

Cheeck bone (i want to shave them off, Im so aick seeing them everyday
Jaw bone (very angular)
Eyes (i want to make it more bigger and i want to fix it because it is loop-sided
Nose (i have a flat nose, wide alar, and base)
Chin (very wide and short)
Acne scars

If someone could sponsor it just contact me. bwaha

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Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Screenshot


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